Thursday, August 11, 2011

Catching Up

Here I am! Its been awhile, but now I'm back. Trying desperately to restore some order to the chaos that is my life. But I have a few posts I've been meditating on as our family enjoys this beautiful summer weather, so stay tuned!

Here's a quick gist of what Summer has been like for us lately, in pictures :)

Mark trimmed trees....
2 stories off the ground, hanging on by a bungee chord....
I expanded my garden
I'm making lots of pickles with our cucumbers!
Hazen and Emma enjoy chilling in the pool
Playing at one of the Minneapolis beach fronts
working on our t-ball skills

The kids' first "pet"
We ended up with 3 caterpillars.
2 black swallowtail
1 monarch
S'Mores galore in the backyard
Dreams come true.
Hazen got to see Cars 2 twice in the theater
Having fun watching Daddy play softball 
Emma's a born fisher!
Hazen and my Dad (Opa) wait for a catch
We picked strawberries.
Polar was there to help, of course!
Lazy Saturday mornings with Daddy 
Hot summer months + No Air conditioning =
Sweaty heads and lots of smiles :)

My brother-in-law Alex surprised my sister (Shelby)
by flying me and my brother out to Maryland for a visit!

In MD I got to hang out with my beautiful niece, Olivia!

My brother Patrick, Olivia and I
visiting east coast caves
Jairus would now be 7 1/2 months old.
Our minds and hearts continue to be with him.
We miss our little guy everyday. 

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